The clubs outing to Kampung Tok Senik on Tuesday 29th of April started with a short update on the progress of our Golf Tournament. There were 12 members present along with 5 guests. Head chef, Razia, then proceeded to demonstrate a total of five dishes starting with Kangkong Belacan, a green vegetable dish. We had each been supplied with the list of ingredients for the dishes and as Razia and his assistant cooked we wrote down the method so we could try to duplicate the recipe at home. The vegetable dish was followed by stuffed squid, Sotong Sumbat, BBQ Fish, Ikan Baker Air Asam; then fried chicken pieces in spices which was to be added to the Chicken Soup, Soto Ayam. All the recipes were quite easy to follow and the aromas very inviting, the tasters also went down very well. By one o’clock we were all ready to sit down on the table and enjoy the menu above. Although the food was really delicious there wasn’t an awful lot of it to go around the 17 ladies and some didn’t get very much at all and went away more than a little hungry.