In 1991, a few Langkawi ladies got together and held their first Charity Dinner, the proceeds of which went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuah. Following its success, the ladies decided to form a social and registered charitable club—Kelab Puteri Langkawi (NGO). Today Kelab Puteri has a membership of around 30 ladies which includes a number of expats .
The clubs’ aim as always has been to provide charitable and social assistance for the benifit of all Langkawi residents and visitors mainly by supporting the Langkawi General Hospital.
Previous Kelab Puteri Langkawi Charitable Events and Fundraisers include:
2009 - Reiki Healing Day at the Bayview Hotel, Kuah. April 24th.
2008 - Charity Golf Tournament at Gunung Raya Golf Club. Aug 2nd.
2004 - Pillows donated to the homeless of Kuala Triang after Tsunami disaster.
2003 - Supplied porridge to a local Mosque during Ramadan.
2000 - Donation to the Health Department of Langkawi for a senior citizen seminar.
1999 - Organised pap smears for ladies of Langkawi.
1998 - Donation of Dialysis Machine to Langkawi General Hospital.
1997 - Charity Dinner at Sheraton Perdana Beach Resort to purchase a dialysis machine for Langkawi Hospital.
1995 - Profit from the above dinner was donated to the senior citizens of Langkawi and uniforms for students of Langkawi.
1994 - Charity Dinner at DeLima Resort.
1993 - Picnic at Mutiara Burau Bay for Sultanah of Kedah.
1992 - Donation of uniforms to student.
1991 - Charity dinner for a Kuah Primary School.